Twenty Favorite Very Short Novels

(I know that page counts are a misleading metric, but they’re much easier to determine than word counts. These, therefore, are my twenty favorite novels of fewer than 100 pages, arranged in ascending order by page count. You’ll find my corresponding list of very long novels here.)


  1. 52 pages: Tropisms by Nathalie Sarraute

  2. 63 pages: Beauty Salon by Mario Bellatin

  3. 70 pages: Down the Rabbit Hole by Juan Pablo Villalobos

  4. 77 pages; The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector

  5. 80 pages: The Lady in White by Christian Bobin

  6. 83 pages: This Is Pleasure by Mary Gaitskill

  7. 83 pages: Bonsai by Alejandro Zambra

  8. 84 pages: 03 by Jean-Christophe Valtat

  9. 84 pages: Chess Story by Stefan Zweig

  10. 85 pages: Springtime: A Ghost Story by Michelle de Kretser

  11. 85 pages: Fireflies by Luis Sagasti

  12. 86 pages: The Sextine Chapel by Hervé Le Tellier

  13. 87 pages: An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter by César Aira (who has many other books that would qualify, some even shorter)

  14. 91 pages: Silk by Alessandro Baricco

  15. 93 pages: A Man: Klaus Klump by Gonçalo Tavares

  16. 94 pages: Such Small Hands by Andrés Barba

  17. 94 pages: Pobby and Dingan by Ben Rice

  18. 96 pages: The Colors of Infamy by Albert Cossery

  19. 97 pages: The Scream by Laurent Graff

  20. 98 pages: Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal

— November 22, 2020

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