Top Five Robert Anton Wilson Books

(At a certain age—say, nineteen—I would have told you that Robert Anton Wilson was my favorite writer. There were lots of other (mostly) guys around my age with a taste for transgressive literature and either drug experimentation or Magic: The Gathering who would have told you the same. I shared their appreciation of Robert Anton Wilson without ever having experimented with either drugs or Magic and without enjoying most other transgressive literature. Here, by request, are the five books of his I liked best at the height of my appreciation, all of which I read more than once, and the first two considerably more.)


  1. Natural Law, or Don’t Put a Rubber on Your Willy

  2. The Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy

  3. The Illuminatus! Trilogy (with Robert Shea)

  4. Reality Is What You Can Get Away With

  5. Masks of the Illuminati

— May 8, 2021

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