Top Five Jorge Luis Borges Books

(I keep thinking I’ve read everything by Borges that’s been translated into English, then discovering a title I’ve missed. When I was younger, my take on him was that the pleasures he offered, while immense, were purely cerebral; the older I get, though, the more intimate his cerebral pleasures seem to become, and the less separable from the emotions. Here are my current top five, in order of preference.)


  1. Collected Fictions (or, if it’s a cheat to select nearly all his fiction under this one title, then Ficciones at #1, The Aleph at #2, and The Maker at #3, with the rest of this list adjusted accordingly)

  2. Selected Non-Fictions

  3. Conversations with Osvaldo Ferrari, Vol. I, II, and III

  4. Seven Nights

  5. Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature

— November 24, 2020

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