Ten Favorite World War II Novels

(by request, and alphabetically by author)


  • Empire of the Sun by J.G. Ballard

  • Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (sometimes published as Corelli’s Mandolin) by Louis de Bernières

  • The Red Magician by Lisa Goldstein

  • When Angels Rest by Donald Harington

  • I Served the King of England by Bohumil Hrabal

  • Fateless (sometimes published as Fatelessness) by Imre Kertész

  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

  • In the Shadows of the Sun by Alexander Parsons

  • Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

  • Manfred’s Pain by Robert McLiam Wilson

— February 24, 2023

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