Ten Favorite William Weaver Translations

(five by Calvino and five by other writers, in order of preference)


Books by Italo Calvino

  1. Cosmicomics (trans. 1965)

  2. Invisible Cities (trans. 1974)

  3. t-zero (trans. 1969)

  4. Marcovaldo, or, The Seasons in the City (trans. 1983)

  5. If on a winter’s night a traveler (trans. 1981)

Books by Other Writers

  1. What Is This Buzzing? Do You Hear It Too? by Luigi Malerba (trans. 1969)

  2. The Serpent by Luigi Malerba (trans. 1968)

  3. The Monkey’s Wrench by Primo Levi (trans. 1986)

  4. Zeno’s Conscience by Italo Svevo (trans. 2001)

  5. That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana by Carlo Emilio Gadda (trans. 1965)

— January 5, 2022

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