Ten Favorite Prank Novels

(I’m borrowing my terminology from the Literary Stunt Index by Calvin Kasulke, who organizes the stunts he lists into four quadrants: what he calls Gimmicks, Pranks, Flexes, and Dares. A Prank, if I understand him correctly, is a book that undermines its own methods of operation with its twist (though I’m describing the type a little more generously than he does). I’ve arranged my ten favorite examples of the category alphabetically by author.)


  • The Little Buddhist Monk by César Aira

  • Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

  • S. by Doug Dorst and J. J. Abrams

  • I, Libertine by Frederick R. Ewing

  • The Gone-Away World by Nick Harkaway

  • Crossings by Alex Landragin

  • The Animal Man Omnibus by Grant Morrison

  • Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

  • Meanwhile by Jason Shiga

  • The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad

— September 16, 2021

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