Ten Favorite Melville House Press Releases

(alphabetically by author, and excluding some of the novella reprints that are widely available from other publishers, such as Bartleby the Scrivener and The Death of Ivan Ilych)


  • Letters of James Agee to Father Flye by James Agee

  • Golden Delicious by Christopher Boucher

  • The Little Girl and the Cigarette by Benoît Duteurtre

  • Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge

  • A Reader’s Manifesto by B. R. Myers

  • A Happy Man by Hansjörg Schertenleib

  • The Visitors by Simon Sylvester

  • Aurororama by Jean-Christophe Valtat

  • Faithful Ruslan by Georgi Vladimov

  • Bonsai by Alejandro Zambra

— July 13, 2021

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