Ten Favorite Books of Nature Writing

(alphabetically by author)


  • The Unexpected Universe by Loren Eiseley

  • The Meadow by James Galvin

  • Sick of Nature by David Gessner

  • The Courage of Turtles by Edward Hoagland

  • I’ve Heard the Vultures Singing: Field Notes on Poetry, Illness, and Nature by Lucia Perillo

  • Where Bigfoot Walks; Crossing the Dark Divide by Robert Michael Pyle

  • Nature Stories by Jules Renard

  • Secrets of the Universe: Essays on Family, Community, Spirit, and Place by Scott Russell Sanders

  • Shallow-Water Dictionary: A Grounding in Estuary English by John R. Stilgoe

  • The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

— February 3, 2021

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