Ten Authors Who Take Up the Most Shelf Space on the Great Big Case I Reserve for My Favorite Books

(by number of volumes, then alphabetically by author, then by title)


Four Books Apiece

  • César Aira

    • An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter

    • Ghosts

    • The Literary Conference

    • The Musical Brain

  • Italo Calvino

    • The Baron in the Trees

    • Cosmicomics

    • Invisible Cities

    • Italian Folktales

  • William Maxwell

    • All the Days and Nights: The Complete Stories

    • The Element of Lavishness: Letters of William Maxwell and Sylvia Townsend Warner

    • So Long, See You Tomorrow

    • Time Will Darken It

Three Books Apiece

  • James Agee

    • A Death in the Family

    • Film Writing and Selected Journalism

    • Letters of James Agee to Father Flye

  • Peter S. Beagle

    • A Fine and Private Place

    • The Last Unicorn

    • Mirror Kingdoms: The Best of Peter S. Beagle

  • Dino Buzzati

    • The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily

    • Poem Strip

    • The Tartar Steppe

  • Louis de Bernieres

    • Señor Vivo and the Coca Lord

    • The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman

    • The War of Don Emmanuel’s Nether Parts

  • Walter Tevis

    • The Man Who Fell to Earth

    • Mockingbird

    • The Queen’s Gambit

  • Leo Tolstoy

    • Confession

    • The Death of Ivan Ilych

    • War and Peace

  • Alejandro Zambra

    • Bonsai

    • Not to Read

    • The Private Lives of Trees

— August 13, 2022