Judging the Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize

I’ll be judging this year’s Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize for the North American Review. The contest is open now and closes on November 1. The winner will receive $1000.

The prize is “intended to recognize the finest speculative fiction, which can include, but is not limited to, work influenced by the postmodern science-fiction of Kurt Vonnegut. We welcome all forms of previously unpublished fiction—one story per submission. We are enthusiastic about all work painted with speculative fiction’s broad brush: fairy tale, magical realism, fabulism, the fantastic, horror, Afro-futurism, science fiction hard and soft, and everything in between. The winner, runners-up, and any honorable mentions may be offered publication in the North American Review’s summer issue.”

You can read more about the contest and submit a story here.


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