Fifty Least Favorite Books

Several rules: (1) I have listed these books in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, rather than in order of disregard, and have chosen no more than one book per author. (2) I have tried to be honest, which is why, in addition to the many obscurities listed here, there are a number of indisputable classics on this list, as well as a number of more recent books that I’m sure I would not find so irritating if they hadn’t been so widely praised. (3) Some of these books are the only titles I have attempted by their authors, while others are singular blights on the catalogs of authors whose work I have otherwise loved. —Kevin Brockmeier, December 17, 2019

[This is a real list, one that I do actually keep, but there’s no way I’m going to share it here or make it public. What am I, crazy?]

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