An Abecedarium of Authors

(The rule: You can retain the books of only one author per letter of the alphabet. Which authors do you choose?)


  • A: César Aira (favorite book: Ghosts)

  • B: J. G. Ballard (favorite book: The Complete Short Stories)

  • C: Italo Calvino (favorite book: The Baron in the Trees)

  • D: Samuel R. Delany (favorite book: Tales of Nevèrÿon)

  • E: Loren Eiseley (favorite book: The Unexpected Universe)

  • F: E. M. Forster (favorite book: A Passage to India)

  • G: Mavis Gallant (favorite book: Paris Stories)

  • H: Donald Harington (favorite book: The Cockroaches of Stay More)

  • I: Rachel Ingalls (favorite book: Mrs. Caliban)

  • J: Denis Johnson (favorite book: The Largesse of the Sea Maiden)

  • K: Franz Kafka (favorite book: The Complete Stories)

  • L: Clarice Lispector (favorite book: The Passion According to G. H.)

  • M: William Maxwell (favorite book: All the Days and Nights: The Collected Stories)

  • N: Lewis Nordan (favorite book: The Sharpshooter Blues)

  • O: Peter Orner (favorite book: Esther Stories)

  • P: Daniel Pinkwater (favorite book: Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars)

  • Q: Raymond Queneau (favorite book: Exercises in Style)

  • R: Marilynne Robinson (favorite book: Housekeeping)

  • S: José Saramago (favorite book: The Gospel According to Jesus Christ)

  • T: Walter Tevis (favorite book: The Man who Fell to Earth)

  • U: Deb Olin Unferth (favorite book: Wait Till You See Me Dance)

  • V: Georgi Vladimov (favorite book: Faithful Ruslan)

  • W: Virginia Woolf (favorite book: To the Lighthouse)

  • X: Can Xue (favorite book: Vertical Motion)

  • Y: Yan Ge (favorite book: Strange Beasts of China)

  • Z: Alejandro Zambra (favorite book: The Private Lives of Trees)

— September 27, 2021

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