A Short Canon of Grouchy Books

(“Where is the canon of grouchy books?” Elisa Gabbert asks in her 2022 year-end reading log. What follows are twenty candidates—ten fiction, ten nonfiction—I’d propose for such a canon, arranged alphabetically by author.)



  • Wittgenstein’s Nephew by Thomas Bernhard

  • Brief Lives of Idiots by Ermanno Cavazzoni

  • Demolishing Nisard by Éric Chevillard

  • The Suspended Vocation by Pierre Klossowski

  • Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles

  • After Claude by Iris Owens

  • The Evenings by Gerard Reve

  • Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher

  • The Fur Hat by Vladimir Voinovich

  • Galápagos by Kurt Vonnegut


  • Tractatus Logico-Suicidalis: On Killing Oneself by Hermann Burger

  • The Trouble with Being Born by E. M. Cioran

  • A Life’s Work: On Becoming a Mother by Rachel Cusk

  • Sick of Nature by David Gessner

  • Against Everything: Essays by Mark Greif

  • Thanks and Sorry and Good Luck: Rejection Letters from the Eyeshot Outbox by Lee Klein

  • Music in Every Room: Around the World in a Bad Mood by John Krich

  • Weapons of Mass Seduction: Film Reviews and Other Ravings by Lucius Shepard

  • Peter Watts Is an Angry Sentient Tumor: Revenge Fantasies and Essays by Peter Watts

  • Let’s Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste by Carl Wilson

— January 1, 2023

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