A Dozen Revelatory Books About Everyday Objects

(alphabetically by author, with a soundtrack by Alva Noto and Blixa Bargeld)


  • Machine by Peter Adolphsen

  • The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker

  • The Butterfly Lampshade by Aimee Bender

  • Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino

  • The Ten Thousand Things by Maria Dermoût

  • As She Climbed Across the Table by Jonathan Lethem

  • The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa

  • The Toy Catalogue by Sandra Petrignani

  • Selected Poems by Francis Ponge

  • A Hummock in the Malookas by Matthew Rohrer

  • Transfer of Qualities by Martha Ronk

  • My Private Property by Mary Ruefle

— November 4, 2020

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