A Dozen Great Novels About Sports and Gamesmanship

(alphabetically by sport)


  • baseball: The Dixie Association by Donald Hays

  • battle simulation: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

  • cheerleading: Dare Me by Megan Abbott

  • chess: Chess Story by Stefan Zweig

  • fishing: How I Came to Know Fish by Ota Pavel

  • football: A Fan’s Notes by Frederick Exley

  • martial arts: Jujitsu for Christ by Jack Butler

  • poker: Bluff by Michael Kardos

  • pool: The Hustler by Walter Tevis (whose chess novel, The Queen’s Gambit, is also extraordinary)

  • sword fighting: The Ball and the Cross by G.K. Chesterton

  • track: Life at These Speeds by Jeremy Jackson

  • wrestling: The World According to Garp by John Irving

— November 4, 2020

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