A Dozen Favorite Albums by ROYGBIV Bands

(in order by hue of the rainbow, with five additional colors in alphabetical order at the end)


  • Red: Fatal Slide by The Reds

  • Orange: Juice by Oran “Juice” Jones

  • Yellow: Solid State Survivor by Yellow Magic Orchestra

  • Green: Let’s Stay Together by Al Green

  • Blue: Hats by The Blue Nile

  • Indigo: Rites of Passage by Indigo Girls

  • Violet: Overview by Violet Eves

  • Azure: November by Azure Ray

  • Black: Disco Club by Black Devil

  • Brown: Down in There by Greg Brown

  • Silver: The Great Conch Train Robbery by Shel Silverstein

  • White: White+ by White+

— September 23, 2021

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